Ear muffs
Intermittent use
Problems related to comfort (heat, pressure, etc.)
Reduced losses
Simple setup
Reduced efficiency in case of glasses, long hair, beard, skull morphology, etc.
Ideal in case of infections or ear surgery
Increased attenuation
Low compatibility with other PPE
Customized earplugs
Easy setup
Regular maintenance
Requires impressions to be taken by a professional
Good fit
Not suitable for infected ears
Hygiene (no handling of the portion inserted into the ear canal when the hearing protector is equipped with a handle)
Good compatibility with other PPE
High initial investment
High wearing rate
Earplugs to be molded
Low investment
Hygiene problems during shaping if hands are not clean
More suitable fit than preformed earplugs
Risk of itching
Systematic replacement
Not suitable for infected ears
Good compatibility with other PPE
Instructions for set up must be strictly followed
Setting up is complex or impossible for the morphology of some ears
No maintenance required
Significant production cost over a long term
Preformed earplugs
Hygiene (no handling of the portion inserted into the ear canal when the hearing protector is equipped with a handle)
Regular maintenance
Not suitable for infected ears
Low investment
Risk of itching
Washable and reusable
Instructions for set up must be strictly followed
Good compatibility with other PPE
The diameter must be adapted to the size of the ear canal
Reduced effectiveness for ear canals with excess hair
Ear Muffs
Ear muffs hearing protection devices that are worn over the head, like
headphones. Some advantages of wearing ear muffs include:
- provide more consistent protection than plugs
- one size fits most heads
- easy to put on and take off
- good for short jobs
The disadvantages of ear muffs:
- heavier than ear plugs
- may be uncomfortable in hot environments
- eyeglass wearers may not get a good seal
- more expensive than other types of HPDs
- resonate (vibrate) at lower sound frequencies (<400 Hz)
If you wear ear muffs, remember that anything that comes between your ear
and the ear muff will make them less effective and reduce your level of protection!
Also, you should choose eyewear with thin temples so they don't interfere with the
seal. Some ear muffs attach to hard hats to form a good seal when wearing a hard hat
Also, when putting on ear muffs, remember to push your hair away from your ears.
Center the ear muffs over your head and make sure the seal is tight. Adjust the headband
so the ear muffs are resting comfortably on your head. The cups should entirely
cover your ears.
you put on your earmuffs, it is important to inspect them for cracks, tears or other signs
of wear.
The last type of
HPDs we'll discuss are canal caps.
Advantages and disadvantages
Ear Muffs